• LTE OVER 53.000 USD
  • 6th Open Level 4 SWRHA Futurity
  • APHA highest score horse for SWRHA Futurity
  • NRHA Open Level 4 Futurity Finalist
  • NRHA Open Level 4 Derby Finalist
  • Reining by the Bay 3rd place 4yr Futurity
  • 7th Open Level 4 Derby Reining by the Bay
  • 3rd place Open Level 4 Derby Best of the West
  • 5th place High Roller Classic Open Level 4 Derby
  • 2nd Tulsa Silver Spurs Derby
  • NRBC Top Ten Open Level 3
  • 7th place NRHA Open Level 3 Derby
  • 5th place Open Derby APHA World Show